
Wednesday 17 December 2014

Wife Princess Raider lie bare, yet the word 'divorce husband

Kuala Lumpur: The wife of Shahrizam Abdullah, the man who was arrested seclusion with Princess Raider actress in the early morning on Sunday revealed that she and her husband are still not divorced.

The woman had left a comment on one of the social networking site Facebook acquaintance with telling about the current status of the trial court she and husband.

Norhasni Md. Hashim wrote that she and her husband Shahrizam otherwise known as 'jump' still husband and wife because divorce is still not pronounced.

He also told the 'jump' do not want to pronounce a divorce and the trial is still running, thus refuting the Princess Raider to an entertainment blog that states the case with the wife of her boyfriend have been completed.

In addition, Norhasni also slammed the fact that Princess Raider 'jump' into the house only to drinking water as a baseless because it took quite long.

The following statement was written wife boyfriend Princess Raider, "Sorry yer up now jump yet and do not want to divorce pronouncement pronouncement of divorce ... the case is still running ... suit no: 1 **** - ** 0 - 0 *** 2014 ... so the statement already divorced ... incoming spring water drinking for hours, huhuhuhu please logic la la laa skit .... "

Earlier, Princess Raider has issued a statement to an entertainment blog stating 'jump' already pronounce a divorce against her at the trial that took place in Shah Alam High Court on Monday.
Even the actor was not ashamed at admitting her relationship with the man who's husband was also blessed

Raider daughter has also revealed plans to marry a 'jump' in hadapan.

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