
Thursday 23 April 2015

Persenda prayer: Pastor Alvin Tan furious action

The video footage uploaded by Alvin Tan.

SHAH ALAM - A pastor wrote an open letter to appear controversial blogger, Alvin Tan follow-up action presumptuous record 'songs Azan' through a video, recently.

Pastor of a church, Dr Sherman Lim said Alvin action is very rude aimed evil.

"Dear Mr. Alvin, I am writing to you because I personally angry towards the brother who did it with the intention that one and I figured it was full of action as disrespectful.

"Just like other Malaysians, I recognize the relative lack of respect for authority, social behavior and moral awareness. With that, I would not be surprised if this letter is not reciprocated respect.

"Perhaps a brother can take action is to ignore it altogether, but according to the context in which we live as citizens of this country, what the brothers not be missed without objection from Malaysians," he was quoted by his blog.

Video titled 'Muslim Call to Prayer - Azan (R & B cover)' uploaded via his Facebook page censured the public, including non-Muslims.

In an open letter that, Dr. Sherman said Alvin insult devotees felt it was not just Muslims, but also seen as offensive to human beings in the world who profess different religions.

"Perhaps not your intention to reject religious ritual as a whole but it still is something you just rude and even contemptible an exclusively religious, but the action is still offensive to religion. Not only to fellow Muslims but also seen as offensive to believers various religions.

"Contempt brother might just do the dhikr or remembrance Latin Catholic Hindu veda ... for this, your actions make me angry," he said.

He had hoped that Alvin took enough time to analyze and understand what is really happening in this country and try to engage constructively rather than doing it in a way that is indecent.

"In a personal capacity and as a Malaysian, I insist on rejecting any action that you do and will do. Video brothers more narcissistic than funny or entertaining, it is a hindrance to our efforts to build a better society for our children from all religions.

"I hope you have a good life in America where the expression you can really be free. But basically, not the practice of the privileges and rights that determine the quality of a person," he said.

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