
Sunday 10 May 2015

Azeez: 'I will not resign'

Datuk Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim

KUALA LUMPUR - [UPDATED] Datuk Seri Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim insists he will not bow to pressure to resign as Chairman of the Pilgrims Fund held since 2013.

According to Abdul Azeez, because he does not perform any action that may harm TH.

"For two days I was silent instead of providing any feedback. I am waiting because I want to know what the issue is to be played.

"Apparently a political issue and they want to associate me as chairman TH. What to do? If I were disadvantaged money TH, may I insisted to resign, "he told a press conference here yesterday.

Previously, PAS vice-president Datuk Husam Musa Abdul Azeez urged to resign as chairman of TH for allegedly giving contradictory statements regarding the purchase of land from the 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) in Tun Razak Exchange.

In the meantime, Abdul Azeez says he has also proven credibility when it successfully extended the amount of dividends received by depositors in TH.

"Previously, TH pay a dividend of 5.5 percent. Alhamdulillah, by chance since I became chairman and my colleagues on the board join TH, we paid a dividend of 6 per cent (annual bonus) increased 2 percent (bonus pilgrimage) to 8 percent in 2013.

"Last year we paid was 25.6 percent (annual bonus) plus two percent (bonus pilgrimage) of 25.8 percent," he said.

Accordingly, Abdul Azeez requested that no party TH associate with politics.

"I realize that as a politician and member of Umno who chaired TH, there are those who are not happy. But believe me not seen the usual Umno members.

"I am an expert in the context of Umno party and my political views. (But) in a career, I have always centered 'Habluminallah and Habluminannas' (our relationship with GOD and our fellow human relations), "he said.

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