
Wednesday 13 May 2015

Obama alleged assassination plot on Osama

Bin Laden, Barack Obama

WASHINGTON - UNITED STATES. A journalist who won the Pulitzer award claimed US President Barrack Obama has lied to the American people about the murder of Osama bin Laden in 2011.

Seymour Hersh claimed in the article that included "London Review of Books', no cases of shootings occurred in a house in Abbottabad, Pakistan is said to have attacked US troops.

Hersh quotes an unnamed source who claimed that the Pakistani intelligence service has paralyzed energy sources in the yard of the house early before the Osama raid to help the team SEAL and prevent local military intervention

The Obama administration has been negotiating with the government of Pakistan and ordered to hand over Osama to a Navy SEAL in the incident.

Barrack Obama is hiding the truth about the invasion a year before the election in an attempt to increase the popularity of his administration, Hersh claimed.

Bin Laden was not buried at sea, as claimed instead that he be buried in Afghanistan.

He added that the White House had to give the impression that the arrest of Osama mission is an important operation.

"The story of al-Qaeda leader was made by several news networks to show that Osama is an important issue the country's senior intelligence official said retired," Hers was quoted in the article.

Sementera the White House National Security spokesman, Ned Price dismissed the claim and consider a report released it as unfounded.

"There are too many allegations of improper and unfounded," he said

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