
Tuesday 11 August 2015

'All the spending is secret in the UMNO' - Tajuddin

TAJUDDIN: All expenditures are secret within UMNO. -Filepic

DRIVE: All expenses within UMNO party is a secret that can not be made public.

Member of the Supreme Council (MT) UMNO, Datuk Tajuddin Abdul Rahman said the matter was also the secret to the opposition.

"If we tell all the details, it is figuratively reveals the inner secrets of the party is unquestionable.

"How we spend it is a secret. All expenses are the secrets same party as DAP, PKR and PAS. If disclosed will be a problem for them," he told reporters after opening the Wanita Umno delegates meeting Ampang here today.

Earlier, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak stressed that never questioned about his political funds during his time as Deputy President of UMNO before.

Obviously, during the administration of former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, his deputy also did not question it because it dealt party president.

Previously, the Coordinating Unit of the Bureau of Constitutional Law and Legal UMNO, Datuk Razali Ibrahim said the issue of the use of money donations to political funds should diperjelaskandengan in more detail so that the people would not be confused term used by Najib's personal account.

Obviously, even if the account is different from the trust account, personal account Najib also has some of its own trustees.

Meanwhile Tajuddin said, the funds used are also part upholding the democratic system.

"We give all freedom of speech, we invented democracy, we do not lock people to talk to. UMNO has never lock it," he said.

On Sunday, he informed solely responsible for what we did and never will sell the country.

In a statement posted on his official Facebook account, Najib told that the funds of RM2.6 billion put into his personal account is for UMNO and the Malaysian people.

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