
Wednesday 24 September 2014

Farhan: Abby Abadi not accept installment of 5000 and wanted to shame her

Recently, some media reports saying that Abby Abadi had lodged a police report against her ex-husband, Farhan Noor Che Bakar who allegedly fled his money worth tens of thousands of dollars in addition to refusing to cooperate in this matter.

Through mStar Online reports today  Farhan  appear to provide an explanation of these issues on its own behalf and claimed total tens of thousands of dollars as nonsense and one action only want to embarrass him.
"It is not up to tens of thousands of dollars and I'm not a rich kid so willing to owe large amounts moreover my salary is not fixed. Claim it deliberately to damage the reputation and embarrass me, "said Farhan,
Farhan also claimed to have tried to pay in advance RM5,000 dahhulu but it was rejected by Abby Abadi who want the debt paid in full.

"I never asked to pay part of the money, but he refused to accept it on the grounds that the amount is too little. I was really disappointed with the attitude that, "adding that he refused to disclose the exact amount of the debt.

Abby or Arbaiyah real name Abdul Manan, 37, and Muhammad Noor Farhan married on July 9, 2013 in the South of Thailand. Confirmed the couple divorced on 9 May.

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