
Tuesday 7 October 2014

5 Photos: Nubhan AF6 and Afifah getting their engagement ceremony

Kuala Lumpur: Star Idol sixth season, Nubhan, 28, form 11 in the morning getting engagement with Afifah Hidayah Ahmad Tawfek, 25.

The ceremony was held at the residence of her fiance family in Seremban 2 couple ties the past six years.
Introductions they bloom in Pangkor Island when Nubhan filmed while her fiance was on vacation there.

"We plan to get married within the past year. Include more quickly again chic but at the same time he (fiancee) have to repay the remaining one year of study in Egypt.

"He will be a dentist and we know it during a long-distance love," said Nubhan now promoting the creation of a new single titled Ajai Love Story.

Nubhan explained in the beginning is quite tough love long distance.
It was quite challenging for them.
"I may be half crazy because of this long-distance love. But thank God it's getting easier. Usually we release through a video call love.

"At first, he also did not understand my artistic career. Take a picture with a female artist she was never jealous. Often can be noisy because trivial.

"But now he began to understand. Besides that she's beautiful and spoiled in my eyes," said Nubhan about Afifah who also hails from Kuala Segment similar but different regions.

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