
Tuesday 7 October 2014

Video: Japanese Artists create cooking use Condoms

No, there are ways of promoting sexual health, free from the risk of disease outbreak. An artist in Jepung do with writing cookbooks, all of which use a condom as a tool through.

The artist, Kyosuke Kagami may think that a condom is a versatile thing. However, to be used as a cooking utensil, would hardly unthinkable. That is why, Kagami write cook booklet titled  Condom Rice I Want to Make .

Inside are 11 recipes made with condoms as a tool through. Including, condom use to shape sushi roll. The aim is nothing to show, that the condom is useful not just in bed but also in the kitchen.
Other purpose is to popularize the use of condoms to prevent the spread of infection. This book is sold for 250 yen, or around Rp 28,000 sold online.
Among health practitioners, condoms have two functions. In addition to being a tool of contraception or contraception, condoms also serves as protection to prevent the spread of infection in risky sexual behavior.
Several types of infections that can be prevented with condoms spread among HIV ( Human Imunodeficiency Virus ), the virus that causes AIDS ( Acquired Imunodeficiency Syndrome ) which until now no medicine to cure it.

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