
Tuesday 7 October 2014

Sorry my son did not know how to harness love Azan?

Allahurabbi, oozing tears when reading especially if you're in the situation. That's what knowledge. Not necessarily rich property, it is sufficient for the next life. Imagine no religious education, and sadisnya hurmmmm .. sad .. God :(

Take the following story from the partnership:

Pretty exhausting day. Painful. Painful. Four hours bated breath and struggling with life eventually finalize with tears.

The crying of a baby boy. Tears of joy myself also. Husband on the side also in tears. Our eldest son.

Unbelievable. Feel the pains disappeared while ago when he saw the boy still redness of the skin of his body in front of my own eyes.

Newborn baby in a white cloth analogy without any sin.

Alhamdulillah. Infinite gratitude. The nurse brought my firstborn to the side.

Kucup my cheeks cute. Baby crying just now winding down crying. I know this might be his mother.

"Mommy and daddy is you wait nine months, you know."

Tears welling up again and reminds pain of great trials during pregnancy first child. With characters yourself, keep going vomiting, rapid sensitive, quick to cry, irritability, dizziness fainting keep going. Only God knows. Good luck to the husband who understands.

We married last year. Continue bunting dais. My husband just ordinary people. Not 'my husband ustaz' like tu all. Taklah rich. Enough for what it is. Just rent a house to live in, enough to moderate wear.

I even mediocre. Like the crowds away. The lid was not right yet. My husband said, 'later you're ready, put on your right.' He himself was still in short pants when out of the house. I've commented. He said he was not ready yet. Just like I'm not ready.

Nurses've finished wash our baby, wrapped blankets. Dah-scented perfume. Submit them to us.

The doctor has completed its work, wash the wound and relevant. I moved to the bed and the other ward was available.

Father and mother-in-law already have in hand. Everyone there. With a happy face. Old, happy to buckle grandchildren. I and my husband happy with a new person in our family. Cute cuddle and kiss my baby that.

"Azankanlah boy's ear."

My mother's voice. Delivered the baby in my husband's arms just to.
Celebrate my husband carefully.

"Hit the call to?" Husband said. "Compulsory eh?"

Male doctor is there to intervene.

"Smoke Zahazan say, when the child is born, it shall recite the adzan upon the baby's right ear and left ear as called for in the hadith narrated by al-Bayhaqi in his book of hadith ash-Syu'ab Hasan bin Ali RA from the Prophet SAW said, which means:

"Whoever is awarded to a baby, and he declared prayer in his right ear and Iqamah in his left ear, then the baby would be taken away from Umm Syibyan."

According to some scholars, Umm Syibyan are female genie. Some say anything that scares children and some say the wind that causes pain. "

My husband was silent for a moment.

Forgive my father because my father did not want prayer reti.

Within 10 minutes he was silent. My parents already feel weird. Dah why the law.

Suddenly, my husband was crying. Tears in his eyes. Dripping down the face of our children.

"I'm sorry father. Do not know how my father wanted prayer. Really, I am gone reti. "

I choked. My parents a little surprised. However, just calm down. Mentuaku seem to already know.

"Abah not honest on your mama. When the time for prayers, my father said to go the mosque. But it did not go any father.

Harness hanging out with friends. Abah never be a priest in the house for your mama. Furthermore mama teach Quran. I am gone reti. Excuse harness. Forgive my father. "

My husband continued to cry as he hugged the eldest son. The child was not crying. Seemed to understand his father's sad.

"Excuse me, ma, father. Excuse me. "

My husband was so sorry to parentsku and mentuaku. I was also in tears. During this time, my husband was never like today.

"Takpe. Let me just azankan. But, the promise of the father and mother, both of you have played this together to study religion. Your husband is the leader of the family.

Correct himself. Never comfortable with the behavior of single days. 'm Not the same as family time. Move yourself to God. You will take your wives and children to the God of Heaven.

We are descendants of Adam and Eve from Paradise. Our original village there. We are not going back to another village that. "

My husband got up and hugged my father, embracing his father. Promised to change wholeheartedly. Cried regret and repent.

Thanksgiving. Newborn child is a trigger guidance of God to the husband and I own.

I smiled in tears. May all men in the world prepare themselves with religion before family. Do not hope to have a wife who changed her husband.

Please dear wife and husband respectively although not perfect attitude, good or solehahnya. God've merged the two of you because He knows his best option. Together to change towards the better.

The true story is told by a friend of the writer Muhammad Rusydi. May Allah ease.

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