
Tuesday 14 April 2015

5 most popular cat on Instagram

Is not new in social media when there are cats status of 'celebrities' are popular and have many followers.

KUALA LUMPUR: Recently, a cat named Albert began to steal the attention in social media.

Selkirk Rex cats of this breed into sharp focus due to the reflection behavior of a gangster.

Within four months, Instagram account Albert managed to collect over 50,000 followers.

However, the phenomenon of cat status of 'celebrity' is not something new. In fact, there are dozens, perhaps hundreds, of popular cat that you can see on the internet, including social networking site Instagram.

Here are the five most popular cat on Instagram.

5. Sam

Bubbly named Sam is considered unique because it has eyebrows eyebrows. Various cute expression Sam to join more than 125 thousand followers on Instagram.

4. Snoopy

Snoopy is absolutely different from the others. This fluffy cat might be considered strange by some individuals but not giving up 271 thousand people staring at him.

3. Grumpy Cat

Grumpy Cat is very popular entertainment sites and even made various memelucu. Approaching three years, is now developing a grumpy cat was attended by 658 thousand followers.

2. Lil Bub

A total of 719 thousand social networking site users prefer to follow the development of Lil Bub. Some say Miley Cyrus 'steal' technique tongue protrude from cutesy this.

1. Nala

4 years old child named Nala This is a cross siam and tabbymix. Who would have thought cats were taken from these shelters become the most popular cat on Instagram with 1.8 million followers!

Try to imagine how silent the world as well as the website if it does not have this felin animal as eye candy?

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