
Tuesday 26 May 2015

Are Mia Ahmad to be the cause of divorce?

Mia Ahmad

Before this, the beautiful actress, Mia Ahmad said to be involved in a romance when rumors spread about her partner actor drama series, Hearts Female, Syarul Ridzwan.

Although the drama was put out curtains, but there are still linking them though Mia had been denied.

However, recently, the name of the star is once again being dragged in the mire of controversy when he said the cause of the rift between husband and wife until the divorce.

Through local blog space, reported a woman had visited religious officials and asked the judge to divorce her husband.

The woman is said to be furious when her husband often mentioned, namely Yuhanis character drama starring Mia Ahmad in Hearts of Women, while sleeping.

Said the woman, since watching the drama, while her husband began to change during the time they did not experience any problems.

Asked about the matter to Mia, she heard a giggle out of this actor and told him that this rumor has now spread.

"I have long heard about this but was not sure whether it is true or deliberately invented stories for the blog get noticed.

"After all, it is spread by the blog of dubious validity. However, deep in my heart I hope that the story was not true at all because it should not happen.

"If the report is true, I am very sad and disappointed. I do not know what makes Yuhanis into the impact that way. I just hope the good only because it is acting alone," he said.

In another development, the actor told him that he would be involved in the filming telemovie for TV3 starts next week.

Interestingly, this festival also telemovie combines itself with the handsome actor, Syarul Ridzwan.

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