
Monday 4 May 2015

Dr M: I commented as honey

Dr Mahathir

SHAH ALAM - "Caring for children, the hand-over, love wife, stay, leave, love leaders, scolds-strike," said the former Prime Minister, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

He said the leaders in a democratic country should be constantly reminded and admonished not to be complacent with the advantages gained.

He added that supporters should not be too obsessed with the leaders so willing to overlook mistakes made by representatives.

"That was when I first arrived (yesterday) who stood up and applauded. I hope that applause was not for me now, but for what I had done when I was Prime Minister.

"... If I were the Prime Minister and corruption and making money, I live in luxury. Do not support me. If I am not able to develop the country, do not support me," he said in the Joint Program Tun Mahathir "Consolidation Malay and Current Issues Country "at the Sultan Sulaiman Club in Kuala Lumpur yesterday.

Clearly Dr Mahathir, comment made during this is not intended to topple BN leaders, rather it is to save the party from falling on the General Election (GE) will come.

"I admonished not to be shattered by the leaders of the people, but to strengthen the party in PRU14 later. In my research if we remain in a situation like now, we will not only tasteless, but we will certainly be lost in the next general election.

"I do not think anyone, for our, lawankah, I will continue to criticize him (leader) if he made a mistake," he said Dr Mahathir was greeted with a standing ovation before program participants.

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