
Thursday 7 May 2015

Earthquake Nepal: The body of Malaysians were brought to Kathmandu

Malaysians corpse was brought to Kathmandu, the report said.

KATHMANDU: The body of a Malaysian, Sai Jaya Raj Anthony lost before the terrible earthquake that hit Nepal 25 April last year, is now at Tribhuvan University Hospital, reports Bernama.

"His body is now in the hospital for post-mortem and will be handed over to the Malaysian authorities after the legislative procedure is completed," said the spokesman for the Foreign Ministry of Nepal, Tara Pokhrel.

Bernama quoted the report, Major Janak Silwal of Nepal Army noted that Anthony's body was found in Langtang, about 150 km north of Kathmandu, on Wednesday and flown to Kathmandu.

Anthony has been a leading deejay hiking in Langtang region on April 21 before the family in the country failed to reach him.

Previously, report portal mStar body of a Malaysian citizen believed to Raj Anthony found early this morning in the Langtang Valley, one of the villages in the mountainous region about 130 kilometers north of Kathmandu.

Nepal police officer explained that he was waiting for confirmation of a corpse.

Meanwhile, the Malaysian embassy officials in Kathmandu, Fadli Adilah stated that they will do all the management to bring the body back to their homeland.

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