
Thursday 7 May 2015

Video reactions received news his mother was pregnant so viral

Glaswegian Cathy Hutcheon reaction after receiving news of his daughter pregnant.

Video of reaction of a mother, Cathy Glaswegian Hutcheon after knowing her daughter became pregnant after 11 years viral on social networking site today.

Citing reports Metro.Uk, daughter, Nicola has long been understood that trying to conceive with fertility treatment and IVF treatments but most failed.

The couple finally got the news - awaited from their physicians.

Immediately after Nicola told her mother that she was pregnant, Cathy began to scream before hugging Nicola.

Cathy reaction was successfully captured by-law and her reaction in the video is priceless.

According to Nicola, his mother not only screaming but also ran out to announce the good news to his neighbors persuaded.

Said Cathy ran out shouting, "I'm Cathy Hutcheon and I will become a grandmother."

According to Cathy, she actually did not expect such good news for Nicola has long ceased to undergo IVF treatment.

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