
Thursday 7 May 2015

My son is not a 'billionaires' says Dr M

SHAH ALAM - 'My son is not a billionaires', said the former Prime Minister, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad dismissed the claims manager for People's Welfare Party (Kita), Zamil Ibrahim that touch on both their wealth, Datuk Mokhzani and Mirzan who become millionaires rapidly.

According to him, his children making financial loans to fund their business.

"My son is not a 'bilionaires' but they have borrowed millions (of dollars) to fund their business. Mirzan conduct most of its business outside Malaysia but was forced to sell its shipping business to Petronas when the financial crisis.

"Petronas get lucrative to sell the ship when the economy has recovered. Petronas policy is not to answer questions but Petronas account can be checked to verify whether I'm lying or not. Mirza is not a millionaire, "he said through a recent note on his blog today, entitled '1MDB (Part 3)'.

Through the same note, he also stressed that his second son, Mokhzani not steal any money in managing its business.

"Mokhzani existing steel fabrication business that began after I resigned as Prime Minister. It took over three years for him to make money. He did not steal.

"What he can do what he did. No one who lost money due to her business. I do not raise the debt when I became Prime Minister to help my son. If you have evidence, show me, "he said.

Tuesday, Zamil had called Dr Mahathir explained how her children, Mokhzani and Mirzan can become millionaires rapidly.

Through this article, Dr Mahathir slammed Zamil relation to the actual facts related to the total loss suffered by the investment firm in question, 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB).

"I never said RM42 billion has been lost. What I said was RM42 billion was borrowed by 1MDB. Some borrowed money used to buy power plants and government land along Jalan Tun Razak and former airport land in Sungai Besi at a price that is too low.

"RM3.6 billion paid to Petro Arabia and some for other purchases and investments. RM6 billion is being prosecuted in Cayman, but now there was nothing in Cayman. All the money is said to have been brought back and Datuk Seri Najib explain some of the money that has been deposited in a Swiss bank in Singapore but now the bank was denied. So where's the money ?.

"After all this is added, there is a balance of RM14 to RM 20 billion, still can not explain why. Given 1MDB adviser can not explain where the money is, I must assume that the money is lost, stolen or misused, "he said.

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