
Tuesday 5 May 2015

To pay RM1.2j follow Islamic law

Firuza Fairuz Nizam Nur Amira, 7, (left) and his brother Nur Firuza Aqila, 4, is now under the custody of his uncle Muhammad Ashraf Husain Faizznur and sister after their parents died in an accident on Highway Duke on Saturday.

SHAH ALAM - According to Islamic law, any criminal offense under quasi-intentional murder without intention to require the offender to pay damages (AYAAT) to the families of the victims and not the government.

PAS Youth information chief Kuala Terengganu, Wan Muhammad Mizan Wan Abd Latif said, referring to an incident that claimed three lives at Duke Highway early Saturday, the offender will have to pay have to pay compensation to the heirs of the victim in the rate of three times the rate of the original AYAAT in rough count of RM1.2 million.

"If opened in the books of fiqh as the Islamic Fiqh wa Adillatuh, Sheikh Wahbah Zuhaili mention that AYAAT applied to crimes of murder without intent is AYAAT light, namely 100 camels paid gradually over a period of 3 years and every time one paid one-third of AYAAT, "he said in his Facebook on Sunday.

Wan Muhammad Mizan said Islamic law not only convicted criminals but also safeguard the heirs of the victim accordingly. This difference of Islamic law than civil law.

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