
Tuesday 5 May 2015

Police beatings Jewish soldier said chaos

A viral video shows a soldier minority Ethiopian Jewish police hammered into the main triggers violent protests over the last week.
TEL AVIV - ISRAEL. A viral video showing a soldier minority Ethiopian Jewish police hammered into the main triggers violent protests over the last week.

According to CNN, the soldier, Cpl Fikadey Demas, 21, was on his way home when he was arrested a policeman.

By closed-circuit video recording (CCTV) that police seized the bike and cellphone Fidakey before violence.

Another police also stormed and thrashed look Fidakey a few seconds later.

The incident led to protests in various places in Israel condemned as persecution of minorities Ethiopia.

A protest on Sunday Rabin bertugar violent when protesters smashed shop act and damaging a police car.

A total of 57 police officers were injured and 43 demonstrators were arrested.

It is understood that the persecution of the Jewish minority Ethiopia by the police and the authorities have been going on for several years in Israel.

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