
Monday 1 June 2015

Malaysia Airlines already technically bankrupt, says new CEO

Mueller plans to treat wounds MAS in 2015, stabilize the business in the next year, and again experienced growth in 2017.

SEPANG, Malaysia Airlines' already technically bankrupt ", says CEO Christoph Mueller MAS NewCo on Monday while presenting the strategic plan of the airline's recovery.

"We are technically bankrupt and tumbling feats took place before the tragic events of the year 2014," said Mueller told reporters, referring to two tragedies involving MAS in the last year.

Malaysia Airlines to take early action under the management of high impact Mueller, when 20,000 employees were laid off, only 14,000 of whom were given a letter of offer of employment in the new company.

In his first press conference, he indirectly confirmed that about 6,000 MAS employees will not receive a job offer letter to join the company MAS NewCo.

Mueller had previously made a drastic change to change the operation of the Irish airline Aer Lingus and the airline Sabena of Belgium. Workers have made the action Mueller nicknamed 'The Terminator'.

For the future of MAS, Mueller presented a recovery phase which began on 1 September with a new brand image that has not been disclosed. He is expected to announce an amendment to remove the stigma of disaster in 2014.

In March last year, MH370 aircraft were lost with 239 passengers and crew. Four months later, the plane was shot down MH17 in the airspace of Ukraine, thus sacrificing the lives of 298 people.

Two of the tragedy is a big blow for the airline, which in the analysis have poor management to drop its performance.

Injection of government funds have been made in an effort to save the MAS in the last year than appoint Mueller to lead the task.

Mueller said he plans to "treat wounds' MAS in 2015, stabilize the business in the next year, and again experienced growth in 2017.

In that e-mail sent to employees last month, Mueller had cautioned that major changes need to be made as the company is not burdened with competitive cost levels that more than 20 percent compared to competitors.

In addition to reducing the workforce, MAS is expected to stop long-haul services are not profitable, but the plan can not be set up for the competition.

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