
Monday 27 July 2015

The Hanging Edge: KDN should explain in a transparent and detailed - Reezal

Reezal: this clarification is needed to prevent the emergence of negative perception of the government. - File Photo

HEAD OF LIMITS: The Ministry of the Interior, the ministry asked for a more transparent and detailed explanation why the permit publication The Edge Weekly and The Edge Financial Daily suspended.

According to Deputy Chairman of the Penang Umno Liaison Datuk Seri Reezal Merican Naina Merican these explanations necessary for preventing the negative perception of the government.

"The ministry should notify the reason why they were suspended when they said could trigger restlessness, lying, slander, then it needs to be explained first. So that it becomes more real and vivid and can be accepted by the people.

"I am concerned that such reasoning fails to understand that the people will certainly not healthy for the government," said Reezal at Open House Hari Raya Legislative Assembly (Assembly) Bertam, Shariful Azhar Othman in Chief Batas, Penang on Saturday ,

Reezal also stressed clarification able to fend off the bad perception, among newspaper readers making up the majority among foreign investors as well as corporate citizens.

MPs also asked the head of the ministry's limits are not selective in taking legal action against those who act of provocation.

Reezal to review the suspension of the permit The Edge and The Edge Financial Weekly for three months by the ministry on Friday.

Deputy Home Minister Datuk Seri Dr Wan Junaidi on Friday also confirmed the suspension was made because the publication has certain motives.

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