
Saturday 22 August 2015

Donations RM2.6 billion to help UMNO opponent DAP-Jewish influence

ABDUL AZIZ: Donors may be concerned that if Jewish influence is pervasive in the country through the DAP and destroyed an Islamic government led Barisan Nasional (BN). BERNAMA Photo

KUALA LUMPUR: The contribution of RM2.6 billion received by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak from one of the donors of the Middle East is to help UMNO against the DAP, The Malaysian Insider.

Sri Gading Umno division chief, Datuk Abdul Aziz Kaprawi DAP has funded Jewish claims when the party contested the 2013 General Election.

The Malaysian Insider also quoted Abdul Aziz as saying that donors fear that Jewish influence is pervasive in the country through the DAP and destroyed an Islamic government led Barisan Nasional (BN).

"If we lose, DAP will power. DAP with his Jewish fund will govern the country.

Based on this, our Muslim friends in the Middle East could see through DAP Jewish threat, "he told delegates Sri Gading.

Meanwhile, Najib Abdul Aziz also praised Islam as a great leader in the region so as to attract the confidence to fight for Islam.

Previously, the UMNO Supreme Council member, Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Aziz stressed that donations channeled RM2.6 billion Najib personal declaration of a state 'brothers' in the Middle East who want a certain party won in the last general election.

Mohamed Nazri said it was given to Malaysia by friendly countries, namely countries which are not as strong compared to Malaysia.

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