
Thursday 27 August 2015

Minister: Doctor sign selfie could be sued

PUTRAJAYA - Members of the family or the husband of the woman who captured images of the patient by a doctor while being treated at a hospital in Johor Bahru can take legal action against the medical practitioner.

Minister of Women, Family and Community Development Minister Datuk Rohani Karim said the action was insulting the dignity of the woman when the picture was also revealed his private parts.

"The image was then spread through social networking sites as well as can be embarrassing and affect the image of the woman patient.

"In addition to violating the ethics of medical practitioners, doctors and staff at that time should not be taking pictures because it brought various negative responses to a hospital," he told reporters after chairing a brainstorming session of the Advisory and Consultative Council for Women, here, today.

He was responding to a woman doctor at a hospital in Johor Baharu were shooting for selfie pointing gesture 'peace' with the patient in the position of giving birth.

The act has angered the public especially netizens, who also denounced the shooting involved.

At the same time, requests that the public not to spread the image because it can continue to embarrass and humiliate the dignity of the woman patient.

"Imagine if this had happened to myself, maybe we even felt embarrassed as the woman suffered," he said.

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