
Monday 21 September 2015

Crew cabin fat: Air India wants to take action

Sources of Air India, however, said that the issue is not about weight, but fitness. - File

NEW DELHI: Air India official spokesman revealed that has issued instructions through the airline's internal documents in the last year about the physical condition of the crew who do not fit.

The airline has issued warnings to 600 crew members to return the body to keep up appearances last year, but as many as 125 people were unable to return to desired weight.

BBC News portal reported, the sources of Air India, however, said that the issue is not about weight, but fitness.

Officials from the airline confirming the order was issued, but it is an internal document that can not be reviewed in general.

They said the proposal was made there is concern that if the crew does not fit is not able to act efficiently during emergency situations.

Aviation regulations stipulate that the Body Mass Index (BMI) of 18-25 is normal for male cabin crew, while the female is 18-22.

Aviation expert Kapil Kaul said: "The crew who are overweight is a signal that the airline itself 'unhealthy'. You need a crew of active, friendly and intelligent to bring the image of the airline. "

However, union leaders Tapan Sen denied that there are rules that define the service about weight.

It was not the first time that Air India would suspend cabin service workers because the issue of overweight.

In 2009, the company has triggered controversy when fired nine flight attendants because they are very overweight. The dismissal was made due to the physical condition 'can affect the efficiency of' inside job.

In 2004, the airline has been criticized by many when he announced that the flight attendant candidates can not have scars, acne or any significant signs on the face.

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