
Monday 21 September 2015

There's a reason upload pornographic messages in Instagram - Nourul Wahab

MESSAGE porn uploaded by Nourul Wahab. - Photo Instagram Nourul

KUALA LUMPUR: Singer Nourul Wahab said he had his own reasons upload pornographic message sent to him on his Instagram account.

Action Nourul real name Noorul Huda Abdul Wahab, 37, share the sexist messages that cause a reaction many people have even criticized his actions.

"My main goal upload sexist message was a warning to the individuals concerned to put an immoral act. In fact, this is not the first time I was faced with this situation.

"I managed to stop the barbarous acts of individuals involved in sharing the message on the social networking site. But instead I was condemned for making a disclosure.

"Some people are quick to find fault with others without checking. Any shared the artist as a joke and belittled although it is a serious matter.

"I am a human being like everyone else who has a heart. There is only one reprimand sometimes misplaced. We are not infallible to judge and find fault with as they please," he told BH Online.

Add Nourul, some may assume various artists can cast negative comments without guilt.

He is recognized for upholding its right to be judged without reasonable cause.

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