
Tuesday 16 December 2014

Actor explanation Princess Raider issue in Babed

It seems that the identity of the perpetrators of seclusion called celebrities who become talk of the town today is not a secret anymore when Princess Raider actress appeared to give his statement about what really happened to catch seclusion incidents.

Speaking to Malaysian Digest  Princess Raider  explained that he and a man named jump was already planning to get married soon. Everything is just waiting for the validity of a divorce the guy with the wife before the court.
"I went to court earlier because my boyfriend's divorce case. Today we take a writing of divorcement jump and gratitude of the case is completed. My boyfriend is no longer a married man and for this I often accompanied him to court was undergoing divorce proceedings "

"Actually, we are already planning to get married. If there is no obstacle, our wedding ceremony will take place after the elections next year, "he explained.

The actor also said the arrests occurred during the incident, her boyfriend had just sent him home before going for a drink of water.

"Then IRAD came and I asked her boyfriend opened the door. We did not run because why would we fear, but when we did not do anything. We are still in a state of full coats. I am ready to pick up and IRAD drink them so completely wrong, "he explained.

Raider's daughter also claimed that the raid party Selangor Islamic Religious Department (Jais) deliberately designed to house ex-boyfriend.

"What are all already know, I do not need to be negated because people will still give a negative impression on me. However, I do know and are familiar with the ones who planned this thing (captured seclusion) "

"I actually she € ™ prank ex boyfriend & I know this design can also involve ex-wife jump.

They agreed to wear my ex-boyfriend and I have my home number of the host. He also made a complaint to the IRAD up raid, "the actor explains at length.

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