
Tuesday 16 December 2014

This is the gory pictures of patients suffering Aids

I hope these images will be able to bring a message to anyone who sees it.

These images tell us about how suffering of persons with AIDS who until now has not found a cure.

Disease resulting in decreased endurance is more due to illicit sex.

Use of contaminated needles by the HIV virus is also the cause of the next. Everything stems from a deviation from the path of right living.

Photos in this they look so miserable with his affliction.

They seem desperate, angry and did not know what to do to get away from gnawing disease. Only regret that looked at the expression on their faces.

Anyone potentially infected more people who love free sex and illicit drug use with needles.

Before it all happened, began to think a thousand times if embedded in my heart to have sex with a partner who is not authorized or using drugs.

Remember prevention is an easier thing for us to do, while the cure is more difficult thing to do, the failure of the recovery effort is death.

There are many things a lot better to do than we can meet nice moment that will bring suffering to the afterlife.

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