
Sunday 1 March 2015

'Mak we were stuck'

SHAH ALAM - Five siblings doubt about the fate of their mother who stuck with investment schemes that promise almost RM1 million although only invest RM250.

Kids these women who identified as he claimed, the return on investment because it is dubious since been involved with the investment four years ago, her mother had never received a penny of revenue, even money continues to be invested in cash.

Worse yet, his mother was forced to close retail stores operated because there is no other reliable capital round borrow money from illegal moneylender to invest.

According to him, his mother impressionable and willing to put money into a bank account privately owned masterminded the scheme when asked.

"I only know the mother incoming investment scheme known as 'funds' the last few months. I was surprised when he knows already four years old mother apparently invested almost RM13,000.

"Every time we ask about sibling returns, he will talk dah nak close to but management investment scheme engrossed ask him the money and let enter the production process of return 'stuck' in the bank," he said.

He was hesitant to answer his mother investigate the contents of short message system (SMS) sent representatives to mobile investment schemes mother.

He said, the company is reliable based in Shah Alam but her mother refused to disclose the exact location other than hide certain things when asked.

"But each time to the management office, no vehicle will come to take mom at home. I think they target those who are not exposed to the outside world, other than those ravenous to earn money the easy way," he who lives in a remote area in a regions of the country.

According to him, he was not sure his mother hypnotized when invited to participate in the scheme, but until now, his mother often run out of money despite receiving money monthly monthly money from children.

Sewing machines and home appliances also sold some of his mother believed to increase investment money.

He said, many victims who participated in the scheme even understand nothing makes investment more than 10 years but never got a return and a variety of reasons were given the organizers of the scheme.

"As a child my mother tricked me sad. They trick vulnerable elderly supposedly can return thousands of dollars in a short time. But the result is no," he said with exasperation.

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