
Friday 17 April 2015

Special couples Kantoi Create Maksiat In Concrete Hole

Special couples Kantoi Create Maksiat In Concrete Hole | A man in Guangdong province know his wife spend two months salary shopping online Single Day and he sulked and refused to return home.
Drunk after drinking alcohol, the man wandered across the bed and finally found concrete pipes.

He also met people who embraced throughout the night as a way to reduce the cold.
The next day, a construction worker who did a survey in the area, was surprised to see him so soundly, hugging people who wear women's clothes.

He surprised the man after the shooting some pictures and say what happened to cause her to sleep in situ.

The man said he was disappointed to learn of his wife spent about 10,000 yuan (RM5,452) for shopping via the Internet.

He was working as a cook and earning RM2,453 a month and after knowing his salary exhausted, she refused to go home.

By not know what to do, she bought alcohol and found people to be friends all night.

He told the construction workers was: "More fun embrace people from embracing my wife".

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