
Monday 3 August 2015

'I'm not going down, 3 million members support me'

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak

Melaka - Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak today confirmed he will not go down as Umno president as the party's three million members standing behind him.

He said that, as an elected through democratic principles based on the new constitution, he should be given space to serve in the best way for Umno and the people.

"Thanks to the support of Umno which I feel is still strong and powerful, a voice told me to go down, I will not go down, for 3 million Umno members were with me.

"It was not me arrogant, but I have been (as Umno president), so do not bother me do my best.

"There is a word I do not throw away the wise because of the quota system to run for president of the party, but I want our party more inclusive more democratic then I leave it to the experts determine Umno," he said when opening the Umno division delegates meeting in Bandar Hilir Melaka City today ,

Also present were Chief Minister Datuk Seri Idris Haron, who is also Umno liaison Melaka; Puteri Umno chief Datuk Mas Ermieyati Samsudin; and Kota Melaka Umno division head Datuk Abdul Latif Tamby Chik.

Najib said Umno members should provide support to her not because of personal reasons, but because he is the President of Umno.

"Support me not because I Najib not for personal reasons, strong support should be given to the President of Umno as Umno president can not be a ground to ensure that our party continues to prosper," he said.

Meanwhile, Najib said he did not agree to extremes in Umno and want all party members to choose simplicity to ensure it continues to have the support of the people.

He said, his arrogance and think Umno are immune to losing the election will make Umno members are comfortable seeing the party's attitude is too weak to make Umno members were too frustrated to fight and disappoint people.

"If we choose a middle road we choose the path wasatiyyah in Islam does it mean, if we're united, loyal to the president, we work hard, if we serve the people, if we keep kemaslahan people, religious duty of all races GOD willing, we can win (Optional elections), "he said.

According to Najib, the people at this time to look at the ability to "put food on the table, then this should be the main focus of Umno members.

"People want a roof over them, to be honest living, to school and get an education here's what we focus on. Problem 1MDB not want to ruin everything world wide, the ceiling collapsed kid, this is not a 'defining issue'," he said.

He said that due camaraderie within Umno needs to be fostered, especially among grassroots and the leaders at various levels to ensure Umno to remain strong for the welfare of the people and the Malays.

He said the camaraderie that should be nurtured in all Umno members play an important role in ensuring that all members of the party will support in difficult situations or particularly pleased to have a tough time at the moment.

"Nor should we support good times, hard times we also ship punch, sadly pleased that our friendship in politics, so it is our family. Ages sadly not for long as there is light at the end of the tunnel if there is political solidarity," he said.

Meanwhile, Najib said Umno is the cornerstone of the struggle to defend the fate of the Malays in the country and advised party members not to let disagreements 'bury' the party.

"If not, then Umno 'terbangsat' is the Malay race. I can not imagine the plight of the Malays without Umno," he said.

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