
Friday 22 May 2015

1MDB - Police had to call several people

Police assigned to investigate issues relating 1MDB started sisasatan and call some people to take evidence.

SAN FRANCISCO: A special team set up by the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM) to investigate issues related to 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) has started sisasatan and call some people to take evidence.

Inspector General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar said the special team has also received some new information on the issue and all will be investigated.

According to him, during which teams of police, the Commission for Prevention of Corruption Commission (MACC) and the Attorney General's Office is also awaiting a full report from the Auditor General.

"The investigation was conducted by the Police Task Force, the Commission and the Attorney General so we are still carrying out investigations, including pending lapopran of the Accountant General that it seemed they would finish the job because we did not want a mass, he also wants to investigate the same document we also want to the same document so chaotic, so let it be a job for the first time but the task force is looking at the latest information and we can and we run the investigation, "commented Khalid.

Khalid met after the Assembly Public Police Officer Police 9th in Ipoh on Friday declined to comment further about the number of individuals who have been called to take the stand.

"Who said nobody had been called yet? Just that we do not announce to the world that we have to call so-and-so's. Let us carry out our task without us having to tell the world what we have done, what the announcement when the time comes we will make announcements, I do not need to say how many have been called, as I mentioned earlier, this case is being investigated by the Task Force not only the police, the three agencies mentioned and let us do our job, "he added.

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