
Thursday 21 May 2015

List six worst holiday destinations in the world

Did you know there are six points that could be considered the worst holiday destinations in the world in the 2015's?

Literally, people are starting to plan a summer holiday or tourist destination since the beginning of the year heading again.

Did you know there are six points that could be considered the worst holiday destinations in the world in the 2015's?

Details and information from any location that is taken from the Bureau of Consular Affairs of the US State Department travel advice from websites GOV.UK.

6 - Haiti

Although included in the list of countries of the Caribbean, Haiti is not a good place to use as a holiday destination. Violence related to politics always haunts the population of the Republic of Haiti.

Typically noisier and cyclones will hit the waters of Haiti before the month of June to November. FB Photo JMCstrategies

In 2008, Haiti was hit by the tornado Hanna even devastating earthquake in 2010 has membantutkan regarding the country's development so that now.

Not enough with that, countries with low infrastructure is often hit by the epidemic and the epidemic Chikungunya virus.

5 - South Sudan

South Sudan is the newest country in the world if victorious gained independence from Sudan in 2011. In its literal, independence does not signify the new country achieve true security.

South Sudan's independence signifies not achieve true security. FB photo South Sudan News

Kingdom of Southern Sudan is going through a dispute with a group Disember opponents since 2013. At first schism valid in the Unity but it spread around the country. South Sudan environments filled with activity unrequited shot, robbed trains and farmed animals.

Add roil again state, South Sudan has no direct bekalan clean water.

4 - Central African Republic

If observed on a geographical map, Central African Republic (CAR) should be a rich country Waima his produce much like uranium, crude oil, diamonds, gold, timber logs and farmland.

90 per cent of the population of Central African Republic living in slum areas. FB photo naijamayor

According to the Human Development Index study, CAR is among the poorest people in the world when they appear on the staircase of 187 179 worldwide.

Disputes between Muslim and Christian communities aggravate the situation. Bloody clashes have become commonplace. Several government ministers and kidnapping of humanitarian workers of the United Nations (UN) also reported earlier this year.
3 - Mali

Mali is one country that successfully prevented the spread of the Ebola virus. But that does not mean the country located in West Africa is safe to visit.

Mali people enjoying clean water supply. Water FB photo for Mali

Mali is in an unstable state after the coup attempt in 2012. The clash between French troops and Islamist fighters around 2013 did not help merelisasikan security in the country.

GOV.UK site advises people who want to travel to Mali to be cautious and self-effacing than bringing them food and water for several days in the event of an emergency.

2 - Libya

In 2011 the entry into force of the revolution in Libya and the effect lasts to this day. High-tech weapons falling into the hands of militant groups civilians, immediately indicate any plane can be shot down as they please

Rampant crime wave and shows no signs of decline. AFP photo
Some of these armed groups are said to be attacking the Americans who set foot in Libya.

January last year, there were several reported cases of kidnapping tourists apart Flea car bomb case.

1 - Liberia

Liberia is situated in West Africa with the opening lap Sierra Leone on the left, in northern Guinea and Ivory Coast as its eastern neighbors. Liberia happy story surrounded the countries that have the highest cases of Ebola.

85 percent of the country's population is under the poverty notch. Kick Ebola FB photo From Liberia

Liberia badly hit by the Ebola virus over the last year Waima recorded the highest number of deaths of 4,032. Since March 2014 a total of 9,229 reported cases of Ebola.

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