
Thursday 21 May 2015

The ancient art of toxicity appears to be a killer comeback

For the past decade, including the notoriously bizarre poisoning with polonium poisoning has seen a handful of cases.

November 5, 2012, Alexander Perepilichnyy Weybridge posh gated neighborhood in southwest London suburb went for a jog around. 44-year-old was beautiful and in good physical health. Mentally, however, he was a nervous wreck..

Others were also killed by Russian whistleblowers, was imprisoned. Perepilichnyy now feared for his own safety. He told friends he had received death threats. He was careful about appearing in public. He even took out a life insurance policy.

For good reason. As he finished his run, Perepilichnyy suddenly collapsed. Paramedics arrived at his mansion by the time, he was dead.

Perepilichnyy friends and business colleagues back to Russia by powerful figures had raised the suspicion of a professional hit, cried foul. But local police find no evidence of wrongdoing and the case could end quickly.

On Monday, however, officials Perepilichnyy carrying a rare and deadly plant poison was found that the effect of this announcement. Police have yet to label a murder case, but a full investigation into suspected poisoning will take place in September.

2½-year-old high-profile political case turns in a seemingly increasing number of poisoning deaths among keeps Perepilichnyy. 2006. In the past decade, in 2011 Russian spy Alexander Litvinenko polonium poisoning bizarre Ukraine in 2004 for President Viktor Yushchenko's disfigurement keywords, the infamous poisoning has seen a handful of events, a Chinese billionaire cat A dish of beef stew Perepilichnyy died after eating the poison found in plant believed to have been laced with the same type.

Poisoning are non-political news. Also Monday, a nurse in England, two of whom died, 22 people were convicted of poisoning. Victorino Chua, who described himself as "an angel turned into a bad person," patients injected insulin in saline bag.

Pablo Neruda and Yasser Arafat from Simon Bolivar - - Poison suspected of historical figures that add to the recent exhumations and toxicity appears to be Vogue online.

"The poison can be enjoying a comeback, or that it is difficult to get away with might," John Emsley, the author says that "elements of the history of poison?"

"Forensic chemistry now that previous generations would not have thought possible is possible to detect levels of the poison that is so much better," he tells the Washington Post... the more people who might have been detected. "

In fact, history has ever been solved, including the famous poisoning, plenty of offers. Perhaps the most famous case is the least mysterious. B.C. 399, an ancient Greek philosopher Socrates was sentenced to death by a jury after drinking the Hemlock.

Nero, Roman emperor crazy speculation, the former ruler with his mother toxic mushroom poisoning is said to have assumed the throne. The mushroom, poison was administered to Claudius to appreciate the vehicle used for the food as it is openly acknowledged as "the king's death provoked Even if he was not, he was at least aware of the gods, '"Suetonius wrote.

At least five Popes are rumored to have been poisoned. Pope CLEMENT II, ​​it is not clear if the poisoning was intentional, though her body was exhumed and found traces of lead, nine hundred years later, in 1049. She died mysteriously. In 1978, Pope John Paul I, a Vatican conspiracy theories spawning poisoning, died after 33 days in power.

Emsley people usually either political or financial reasons for the poisoning. However, in the device of your choice is logical: "Basically this person will die and it would appear to be natural causes, it may be able to get away with that idea," he says are.

Emsley toxicity really took off in the Elizabethan era. So Hamlet's father as he died of poison into his ear as Shakespeare, including his most famous plays poison (Emsley says something that is not possible). But, in fact, it was the Italians who founded poison. "Which was a byproduct of copper smelting easy access to arsenic, did not," Emsley said.made a very easy way to dispose of the dangerous toxins. "

It is cheaper and Europe and poisoning associated with female killers so that's why it was popular throughout the 19th century chemist "golden age of arsenic poisoning" calls. "It's for a woman to obtain a divorce in those days was very difficult," Emsley said.Women were trying to dispose of their husbands. "

The evidence is thin, although both Beethoven and Mozart are rumored to have been poisoned, Emsley, explains. Rather than just dying of tuberculosis - - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, while his hero, Simon Bolivar, was so sure that he was poisoned Bolivar 200 years after his death on live television disinterred order that. Tests were inconclusive. Suspicions of poisoning linked to Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat and other recent exhumations Chilean poet Pablo Neruda, whose driver said shortly before his death, he received a mysterious stomach needle includes a staunch communist.

Especially a poisoning came to define the Cold War era. He felt a stinging the back of his leg in 1978, Georgi are Markov, had angered the authorities and an award-winning writer who fled to London Bulgarian, was standing at a bus station. He is a Bulgarian secret agent, found by an investigator, three days later injected through an umbrella, a small victim died of poison pill.

That same year, more than 900 people, some unknowingly, after drinking cyanide-contaminated fruit punch flavor settlement died at Jonestown in Guyana.

There are also the high-profile assassination attempts Markov umbrella of a remarkable run that has seen the past decade, compared poisonings. Ukraine is running for the presidency in 2004, while Viktor Yushchenko Keywords Deathly ill. His face partially paralyzed and changed once a Hollywood-esque looks hideous wounds that were included. Critics say he just drank too much and had bad sushi claimed, but after testing the pure Dioxin, Agent Orange was poisoned with a component revealed.

Even stranger was the poisoning of Alexander Litvinenko in 2006. Russian spy defected KGB agent in London just days after meeting the Deathly became ill. Litvinenko's hair fell out and they wasted away in a hospital but as he blamed his illness on Vladimir Putin. "You may succeed in silencing me but that silence comes at a price," he wrote from his deathbed. "Broken cry of protest from around the world will reverberate, Mr Putin, for the rest of your life in your ears."

KGB agents following an investigation into Litvinenko's drink a powerful radioactive polonium 210 was determined that the liquid injected. Poison was smart, Emsley said. But the killer alpha particles detectors in an airport that can set off the gamma rays not.

Litvinenko polonium, which was linked to the death of the first victim. Arsenic like centuries ago, however, it more than were killed in this manner it is possible. "You wonder with the Litvinenko case, many other people this particular Russian secret police agent [chemical] can deal using how," Emsley said. "Of course they checked for any suspicious death of polonium people will now be able to use it."

Which one killer believed to be responsible for the death of Alexander Perepilichnyy difficult to detect substances such as is given to newer means. According to British media, officials in the womb of death gelsemium discovered a rare plant toxins. gelsemium only the most powerful Guardian's "Heart grass, known as" Asia, where it grows in.

Emsley far at least, has seen the light of the evidence, and he knows it is not poisoned. But a 2011 case in China to demonstrate the effect of the poison is fatal. Chinese billionaire Long Liyuan gelsemium laced with cat meat stew died after eating a bowl. A local official reportedly was arrested for murder.

But the discovery of gelsemium Perepilichnyy system once again, science has caught up with the killers, shows that, Emsley said. The authorities made it very difficult to get the toxic substance. Castor oil beans out of their own people who try to make ricin usually are caught.

"If it is a suspicious death, Litvinenko's polonium modern chemistry we have seen from the case as the volume level down to the micro can detect anything," Emsley said. "There is no such thing as perfect poison."

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