
Thursday 21 May 2015

Women worried picture 'in the fabric' spread

Siew Siew (sat) shows the behavior of unidentified man allegedly shot between his legs when dealing with a bank ATM machine here, recently.

KUTA - A woman is haunted by anxiety due to the action of a man who allegedly tried to take pictures 'in the fabric' when dealing with automated teller machine (ATM) of a bank in Jalan Tun Ismail here, recently.

Women involved, Lau Siew Siew, 31, from Village Galing here worry that the image is recorded using a smart phone or exploited by man for purposes not well disseminated that could embarrass himself.

He said follow-up action-old man in his 30s, he appeared a police report on the same day requested the investigation and action taken against the man.

"I understand that men have come forward with a police report called a misunderstanding and action shots from the bottom of my happen by accident.

"I am more and more do not understand because too many questions arise on the basis of explanation of the results of the police investigation into the case," he said after appearing to make a complaint at the Office Teruntum Well, Sim Chon Siang yesterday.

Siew Siew said he understood that no action be taken against the man supposedly no elements of crime in cases where he could see the display on the phone screen that clearly exposed the legs.

"In fact, the bank CCTV footage also showed the man was no 'intention' and not by accident.

"I scolded him and was holding a screaming man after realizing his actions, but the handle came off and the man continued to circulate as if he made a mistake," he said.

He said that he himself was not sure the man's motive and there may be other woman who was a victim.

"Until now I have no clear answer about the case because too many confusing questions while he (man) is not to blame," he said.

Recounting the incident, Siew Siew said he to the bank at around 1:15 pm, May 11 to check account balances.

"At that time, only two customers including ATM I was in the room and when it was his turn, the man went in and stood behind while he may be the next engine to deal.

"Suddenly the man sitting squat while holding a cell phone to take a picture of the bottom of my feet and clear on its screen image had recorded it," he said.

He said that after being reprimanded, the man continued to circulate without making any arrangement in the machine.

"In fact, I was recording the man who was then circulated by a Proton Waja car.

"After about half an hour later I went to make a police report when he appeared to take action at 3 pm before I was called again to testify," he said.

He said that after the incident, she was really distressed for fear it misused or distributed for purposes that could embarrass himself.

"I ask the police to conduct a more detailed investigation to be applicable to the case against him was not sustained another woman.

"At the same time, the guarantee should be from the police and the security of customer financial institutions, especially the women who came to deal in cash when the weekend that the situation is relatively quiet," he said.

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