
Thursday 30 April 2015

Ahmad Maslan not stupid

MOHAMMAD AGUS: Ahmad Maslan not stupid - files

KUALA LUMPUR: "I must say that I never wrote and publicly state not as stupid or clever, I never label someone smart or stupid leaders."

It said political analyst Prof Datuk Dr Mohammad Agus Yusoff who insists he has never publicly stated the Deputy Finance Minister Datuk Ahmad Maslan as a leader who is stupid or clever.

Dr Mohammad Agus said, however, what is the view of Ahmad thrown by any party shall be accepted as the mere difference of opinion.

"I would not want to belittle people. That's not how academic," he said when contacted here today.

Dr Mohammad Agus Ahmad commented in a statement that described the portal, the former Prime Minister, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Perlis Mufti Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin not understand the goods and services tax (GST).

"When Tun Dr Mahathir, Dr Asri and Dr Agus know about this GST tax to lower people, I think they (will) agree with the GST.

"Therefore, I would recommend Dr Agus and Dr Asri learn more about the GST, before I said I was stupid and so on," the report said as quoted.

Previously, Ahmad described the former Prime Minister, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has yet to fully understand the meaning of the GST up visits to maintain sales and service tax (SST) is clearly higher costs to the people.

Said Ahmad, Dr Mahathir also may have yet to get a detailed description or misinterpreted on the implementation of GST from those around him.

However, Dr Mohamad Agus and Dr Mohd Asri then re-Ahmad reportedly quipped that make statements about Dr Mahathir in the GST issue.

In the meantime Dr Mohammad Agus said he was calling to many countries outside the GST practice in England since 1985 and found that its implementation is far different from the one held in the country.

"I've been going to almost half of the countries that are GST before Malaysia, but the others in our country are GST inclusive price of the goods, it makes people confused.

"As I recall, there is no service charge to the people affected by the private hospital, now go the toilet, take the money himself any charges.

"I speak as I understand with regard to the GST, there are many good side, I have to support the GST for the economy. Just implementation troubling the people," he explained.

He added that the people of this country have still not received the GST.

"It should reduce the price of goods that are charged to 16 percent previously to six per cent, but what is happening now instead.

"I understand GST, I just do not understand how to implement it in the country. In the past I usually go Kelantan RM100 ticket but is no longer at that price," he said.

Prior to this, Dr Muhammad Agus UMNO advise against using the tax bond issue of GST as it could reduce prices of goods during the election campaign (PRK) constituency.

Said Dr. Muhammad Agus, the argument GST is lower than observed SST campaign makes no sense.

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