
Saturday 23 May 2015

1MDB: Guan Eng said the vote did not commit TPM

Lim Guan Eng

GEORGETOWN - The Penang government supported the proposal by Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin that all board members 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) fired.

Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng said the support was based on the cost of RM42 billion worth of debt that exists in the government-owned investment company.

He said the state government fully supports Muhyiddin request that all members of the board of directors fired 1MDB but immediately regretted his request was ignored.

"Until now, no action was taken against 1MDB. If the two most important people in the country have requested is not heeded, it means 1MDB is very powerful.

"They just stick to one. The Deputy Prime Minister did not commit," he told media today.

Guan Eng said before, there 1MDB buy land estate in Air Itam worth RM1.38 billion.

"I wonder, where 1MDB there is a lot of money. First, through the 1Malaysia Club, they come for the mess in my area with a variety of bribery.

"What is regrettable, what they are doing no action from the authorities," he said.

Earlier, Muhyiddin admitted to the board of directors fired up 1MDB debt burden that exists in the company.

However, he said, the fact that it was his personal view was voiced at a closed meeting between the leaders and members of Umno.

Umno deputy president said, the reality of 1MDB not something new because previously urged the government does not do a 'bailout' of the company.

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