
Saturday 23 May 2015

AirAsia engineers because of the accident as they believe suicide

Jones becomes obsessed and believes the error itself led to the plane crash.

A flight engineer in Britain act of killing itself because it believed itself a cause QZ8501 Airways plane crash, December 28 last year.

This was disclosed Jones's wife, Louise, who found her husband hanging in their home in the Saltney, last January.

Jones also left a note stating the reason why he did so.

Jones is a company of engineers in Flintstone and before it operates Airbus 320 project; The same type of aircraft with AirAsia plane that crashed in the Java Sea.

Since then, said Louise, her husband becomes obsessed and believes the error itself cause the aircraft crashed and killed hundreds of lives.

Louise Jones tried to bring together specialists and psychiatric counseling, but all to no avail. Persuasion of friends who try to convince him that what happened not because of his mistake, was not effective.

Ironically, Jones persuaded his friend who was under pressure not to commit suicide last year.

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