
Friday 8 May 2015

Best friend to help a friend commit suicide

Image obtained from the portal Metro.Uk

KUALA LUMPUR: A 22-year-old woman reported to her best friend, Emma Crossman, 21, to kill themselves on the sign of loyalty to his friend, Metro.UK report.

Emma Crossman, 21, was found dead at his home in Sleaford, Lincolnshire, last year, leaving a note, 'Goodbye, I love you all.'

According to Lincoln Crown Court, a good friend, Amelia Caller, 22, described somewhat obsessed with Emma Crossman so willing to do anything for her.

Meanwhile, her ex-boyfriend, Adrian Kemp, 56, told Lincoln Crown Court today that he regularly received messages of intimidation from Emma that he wanted to commit suicide. However, Adrian did not think his ex-girlfriend was going to act that way.

The tattoo artist said that he had decided a month before her relationship with ex-girlfriend died.

It is understood that, although the couple had split up but they both still lived in the same house.

According to Adrian, she never thought she would take the decision to commit suicide because of this, consider stalking Emma Adrian just that - to find sympathy from him.

In fact, Adrian also said that he had seized some of Amelia's reliable gas purchased for Emma.

Previously, the prosecution stated Amelia Caller, also known as Emily helped her to commit suicide with gas supplies as a sign of loyalty.

"Amelia said to be obsessed with Emma so willing to do anything for him.

They love to spend time together, especially after she (Emma) split up with their partner, "said prosecutor Mark Mckone.

However, Amelia recognized was innocent on the ground that he did not think his friend will make the decision to commit suicide.

The Court explained that Emma Crossman depression self-harm and the matter worse after her split with ex-boyfriend at the end of 2013.

The trial will continue until the evidence submitted.

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