
Monday 25 May 2015

Police discovered mass graves of refugees in Padang Besar

Kajang - Home Ministry today confirmed the discovery of the graves near the 17 tents that are believed to be used to house refugees in Padang Besar, Perlis.

Home Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said the General Operations Force (GOF) and VAT 69 commando unit discovered 14 large tents and three small tents are located on the border of Malaysia and Thailand.

Zahid said he was informed about the discovery by the VAT unit 69 and PGA last week.

Surprised by the findings, he said the camps were believed to have been operating for at least five years and he left behind when the authorities arrived on the scene.

"Today, the national police chief and his deputy were on the border of Malaysia and Thailand to conduct identification and verification," he told reporters after opening a Family Day Home Ministry in Malaysia Prison College, here today.

Zahid said the graves were identified as the tomb of refugees in trafficking.

"It would be a grave accommodate three, four or just a corpse. VAT PGA and 69 were still investigating and inspecting the area. In cooperation with Thailand, we will find more bodies," he said.

Zahid said Inspector General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar and his deputy, Datuk Noor Rashid Ibrahim, will announce the details of the matter in the near future.

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