
Sunday 7 June 2015

Activities Climb Mount Kinabalu closed three weeks

KUNDASANG - Activities climbing Mount Kinabalu closed for three weeks from today following the earthquake yesterday, Minister of Tourism, Culture and Environment, Datuk Seri Move.

He said the move was due to the climbing route to the summit was severely affected as a result of an earthquake measuring 5.9 on the Richter scale at 7:05 am yesterday.

"The route is too dangerous for climbers. Even at the peak of the mountain facilities severely damaged," he told reporters at the Operations Centre Kinabalu Park here today.

He said a total of 137 climbers safely brought down to the park about 2:50 this morning.

To date a total of 173 out of 187 climbers were brought down.

Portal said, climbing activities are expected to be reopened after the repair work is completed the route and facilities.

However service hotel, chalet and restaurant located in Taman Kinabalu operate as usual.

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