
Sunday 7 June 2015

# Nothing2Hide: Statement TMJ can support netizen

Do not blame people if they lost confidence -TMJ

KUALA LUMPUR: The interest today is dialogue, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak with NGOs, # Nothing2Hide, which was canceled, and the absence of Najib.

The cancellation led to much speculation, and one that seems to have their own opinion ialahTengku Mahkota Johor, Brigadier General Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim.

He uploaded a related status # Nothing2Hide on Facebook Johor Southern Tigers, claiming he was not surprised when the latter is absent.

"How can be a dialog titled # Nothing2Hide by highlighting one who wants to hide everything?

"Of course he will not appear," he said.

Under that status, the heir to the throne of Johor, which is popularly known as TMJ, also said leaders should not blame people if they lost confidence, but instead see themselves first offense.

The social sites, many of which seem to agree with TMJ.

Nothing2hide dialogue session scheduled for yesterday, but was canceled by the police, allegedly for security reasons.

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