
Saturday 27 June 2015

Justo investigation will reveal the truth 1MDB

Justo Thai police arrested at his home on Monday.

KUALA LUMPUR - The investigation is being conducted against former executives PetroSaudi International (PSI) Ltd, Xavier Justo, will reveal the truth on the issue 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB), Malaymail newspaper reported quoting a source.

Datuk Wong Sai Wan article quoted a source as saying that Malaysians were shocked to learn of the charges against 1MDB by news portal Sarawak Report is based on data series that changed creatively seeks to malign 1MDB, PetroSaudi and others.

However, the source was quoted as saying, is not clear mastermind behind the act to amend the data, and added that whoever did it, they know what to do it.

"At the moment, the political dispute over allegations that marred the realization conducted by The Sarawak Report, based on a resource - Justo, who krebilitinya now discredited," the source said as quoted by the article in the tabloid.

It faces three articles, entitled "When The Disgruntled Turn Nasty ', stated arrest suspects blackmail blackmailer, Justo, demonstrating how greed former employees and existing employees can be a major threat to the company's digital security.

In the article, a cyber security expert said Justo arrest for crimes committed in Thailand and is now under investigation by the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Metropolitan Police in London for other crimes committed in the United Kingdom, is a classic example of how a major threat to the company's reputation can be done by "the enemy within".

"In addition, we understand that civil proceedings had been instituted against the Justo in Switzerland and a police report was made in Malaysia by former party leader, Ng Lum Yong, the publication of The Edge and The Malaysian Insider because he published articles based on 'documents false 'Justo, "the source said, according to the article.

On Wednesday, several newspapers reported Justo were arrested by Thai police for alleged extortion blackmail against PetroSaudi, as reported by the media in Thailand and the company.

On the same day, Home Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said he was told that Justo was the person responsible for distributing inaccurate information to the blog Sarawak Report, triggering a variety of baseless allegations against 1MDB.

Ahmad Zahid also reported as saying that the Interior Ministry learned that the stolen data set was incomplete as it passes through a professional editing process after he was taken out of the system PetroSaudi with bad intentions to attack and damage the image of a particular individual.

PetroSaudi, a leading international oil and gas industry based in Saudi Arabia, Malaysia has attracted attention due to its cooperation with 1MDB.

The article also states that Justo, who is being held in Bangkok, Thailand, probably regretted the attitude.

"But he could not recall his actions in recent months make false allegations and lies against Malaysia 1MDB investment funds, PetroSaudi and many political figures."

According to the article, the Thai police are investigating how Justo, after leaving the company, allegedly issued a series of demands blackmail blackmail writing for the payment of 2.5 million Swiss francs (RM10.1 million) in addition to the payment of wages reported dismissal of several million Swiss francs ,

The article states PetroSaudi refused to meet the demands of Justo knowing they did nothing wrong and it made unfounded, however, they do not want confidential company information is common knowledge.

The author says Justo, who disappeared during the 18 months up suddenly allegedly changed version of the company's internal communications that first appeared in The Sarawak Report, which triggered a political crisis involving investment funds Malaysia, 1MDB, and several high-profile figures.

"Malaysia is always intense political and PetroSaudi now found itself in the midst of conflicts that threaten the stability of the government and its reputation," he said in the article.

In the article, a senior officer Protection Group International (PGI) said Justo believes if he had concrete evidence of wrongdoing, why he did not continue to bring the case to the relevant authority, whether in the United Kingdom, Ireland or Switzerland.

The official said that in case of PetroSaudi, it is not just taking some personal e-mail, contact list or pictures of staff, which is usually done by employees who quit.

"Instead, he called a concerted effort to produce a large number of corporate files. These are substances that do not have the appropriate destination when workers are laid off by the company," he said.

PGI is a leading international cyber security company, which examined a number of data storage devices PetroSaudi to know how Justo download and issue a large number of internal documents of communication and IT systems PetroSaudi.

The article states PGI and expertise of its employees have experience not only in the field of security and even forensic analysis, investigation and cyber training to many of its employees worked in the service of the UK government which requires the release of the security and integrity of the highest level.

According to PGI's senior officials, who explain how they investigate data for authorization, all forensic investigations PGI is based on standard UK Association of Chief Police Officers.

"This means that, from the time he was appointed, PGI perform a thorough forensic analysis in accordance with the relevant standard," he said.

He said the two officers who led the inquiry has experience handling more than 1,000 cases of digital forensics, including testifying in court.

Another cyber security expert said PetroSaudi implement strict policies and measures to ensure the security of IT is at the highest level but has no plans to confront those who want to violate the agreement and abuse records.

"The problem starts, though they did not know about it, before Xavier Justo left the company. He is already planning a 'sting'," the official said. - Bernama
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