
Saturday 27 June 2015

Minister responsible for the issue of carrying 1.5 million Bangladesh

Ahmad Zahid Hamidi

Tawau - Ministry of Home Affairs (MOHA) intensifying enforcement to detect about 2 million illegal immigrants working illegally in the country, said the minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.

He said the effort was carried out in an integrated manner through cooperation Immigration Department, Royal Malaysian Police, Malaysia Volunteer Department and other agencies.

"Before we brought in about 1.5 million undocumented workers from Bangladesh, we will carry out the first foreigners residing immigrants in the job market in the country.

"In addition, we will also ask for cooperation from the relevant embassies," he told reporters after attending the practical implementation of Noble Values ​​KDN with the people here, today.

Ahmad Zahid said the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak to bring in workers from Bangladesh is to meet the market demand for labor shortages in the plantation, construction, manufacturing and services.

"Therefore, this matter should not be politicized ... it's not a flood of workers because we are going to remove the first foreigners without permission before we bring in workers who have the complete document.

"There is no country that allow any foreign worker who does not have legal documents or not to leave the country after the expiry of the visa or the length of stay in the country," he stressed.

On Thursday, Ahmad Zahid said that about 1.5 million workers from Bangladesh will be brought into Malaysia in stages over three years to meet the demands of employers from various sectors.

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