
Tuesday 2 June 2015

Stacy married, Akim started gathering assets

Stacy & Akim

STORY romance between two former students of Akademi Fantasia, Akim Ahmad and also no secret Stacy.

Despite trying to keep their love story at first, but the two singers are finally being open to share their stories, including their willingness to go further into marriage.

Akim admit however, he has not set a target when it will end bachelor days. But there are plans to buy a house before marriage.

"To be honest I was not ready to get married. After all, when family life, many things that we limitation. So that's why I was not prepared because there are still a lot more that I want to wish fulfilled.

"Even if I wanted to get married a lot of things we need to do. If there's a living, I want to buy a first home. It is a small house was not all that important, can take shelter with family," he told media during the opening of the Glory Shine Ramadan With Yeo's, recently.

Asked about the acceptance of the family on their relationship, Akim said, the two families have been blessed their relationship.

"He (Stacy) are getting close to it (to Islam). GOD willing, to educate was no problem for us was the head of the family. Knowledge given by my parents was quite complete and will know its limits, An important intention of our own, "he explained.

In another development, together with his group Akim Akim & The magistrate in the process of producing the latest album titled Patriot during the year.

Meanwhile, the share of Glory Shine Together Yeo's charitable Ramadan with Stars & Win Duit Raya, all citizens of Malaysia with famous stars will perform works of charity by giving donations to the needy with the product purchase drinking water Yeo's box.

Receipt of proceeds from purchases should be included and participation is implemented through the application WeChat to win prizes worth RM300,000.

The campaign starts this Thursday until July 5 next

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