
Tuesday 18 August 2015

They just call the MP, not criminals

Dyana says something with a moderator, Syed Munawar Sayed Mohd Mustard.

SHAH ALAM - Member of the Executive Council of the National DAP Socialist Youth, Dyana carelessly Mohd Daud criticized some of the university management to suspend students for inviting politicians to speak at the university.

According to Dyana, 27, the action seems to restrict freedom of expression and opinion among students in the country.

"Such actions are made as if trying to scare students from continuing to speak out at the university. The space for freedom of expression is never enough. We need to take advantage of what is there.

"Like what happened at a university, they (students) to call MPs to speak on current issues.

"They just call the MPs, not the criminals but they are finally suspended," he said when presenting his views on freedom of expression through discourse Daily Herald Series 36th titled "Power Politics New, What Young People Want 'in Complex Media Group Karangkraf here, today.

According Dyana also Perak DAP committee, in addition to students, other young people are oppressed for not having the appropriate platform to express their views.

"Young people want the freedom of thought and freedom of opinion. they also do not like to be asked. Fighting for freedom is one of the priorities in my struggle.

"Young people are the generation smart phones (smartphones). They are fast and responsive. If the government wants young people to sit and listen to the government only because young people are considered to be still immature, so it is no longer acceptable, "he said.

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