
Tuesday 18 August 2015

Topple government: Zahid asked Submission of evidence

Ramesh Rao (center) shows a police report at the premises of the Police District Headquarters, Petaling Jaya today. Photo by MSP.

KUALA LUMPUR - Malaysian Deputy Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi asked to provide proof of the existence of a plot to overthrow the government by making Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak as the main target.

President of the Mind and Social Care (MSP), said Ramesh Rao, vice-president of the need to cooperate with the police so that action can be taken against the culprits involved.

"We want the facts and evidence submitted Zahid affected mastermind designer, no matter who he is, if left unchecked, it would undermine the administration of Datuk Seri Najib.

"He has to dare to give this plan a reality one (roller), if we do not provide evidence, the opposition will say this spin, the opposition says we are trying to divert attention," he told reporters after lodging a police report at the district police headquarters in Petaling Jaya, here, today.

She was responding to Ahmad Zahid, who is also the Minister of Home Affairs yesterday which has concrete evidence about the actions of the great figures Umno masterminded a plot to overthrow the government through undemocratic means.

Ahmad Zahid said the Umno leaders masterminded the movement set to overthrow the government through a vote of no confidence in Parliament with the support of opposition MPs.

In the meantime, Ramesh also said that if the evidence was not submitted feared that the opposition will continue to accuse the government of trying to divert the issue of the government, including the 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) and RM2.6 billion of funds into personal bank accounts Najib.

"We do not want any portal said this issue to divert the current issue, for example when MH370 found, they say the government is trying to close 1MDB.

"I do not want the issue to overthrow the government with 26 MPs is considered to cover 1MDB and RM2.6 billion issue," he said.

Earlier Ramesh lodged a police report so that an investigation including Ahmad Zahid called to give evidence after he claimed to have evidence of real mastermind to overthrow the government.

Police reports by NGOs is made under Section 124B, 124C and 124K for peace and order in the country.

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