
Tuesday 12 May 2015

Fines, prison Friday prayers if not from June 1

Decoration pictures

ALOR SETAR - Starting June 1, the Muslims who do not perform the Friday prayers three times in a row can be punished under Section 13 of the Syariah Criminal Offences Enactment 2014 Kedah, said Kedah Islamic Religious Department (Jaik).

Jaik enforcement chief, Sheikh Ahmad Fisola Omar said, those found guilty could be sued for not more than RM1,000 or imprisonment not exceeding six months or both.

"We do not issue summonses blindly. We will act on complaints reported by members of the public, especially those living in the parish itself.

"If the offender fails to cooperate, we will also seek an arrest warrant from a Judge of the Syariah Court," he said at a press conference at his office here.

Sheikh Ahmad said he received numerous complaints about the presence of Muslim men in public places in the country during Friday prayers, and hope that law could prevent acts leaving Friday prayers.

Matter of Section 13 in respect of the failure to perform Friday prayers enshrined in the Bill Syariah Criminal Offences (Kedah Darul Aman) 2014, passed the state assembly last year.

Enforcement should begin on 1 February this year but the Enforcement of Islamic Law Jaik will only come into full effect in June 1.

Sheikh Ahmad said, Jaik hold roadshows in 12 districts in the state to provide information to those who can assist in enforcing the law.

"The posters and circulars of the law was also distributed to 568 mosques across Aceh," he said.

He said the public can get a complaint form absences Friday prayers at the offices of district and reporting information will be kept confidential.

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