
Tuesday 12 May 2015

PNB also rescue 1MDB, said Rafizis

Rafizi Ramli

Petaling Jaya - Other Pilgrims Fund Board (TH), Capital Nasional Berhad (PNB) allegedly also involved lending money totaling RM579.2 million to the controversial investment company, 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB).

PKR secretary-general, said Rafizi Ramli, PNB's involvement confirms its concern that the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak would use public funds to rescue 1MDB.

"TH has lent a total of RM920.8 million to 1MDB through the purchase of sukuk bonds issued in February 2014. TH confirm the purchase with respect to the development of sukuk in Malaysia by 1MDB and sukuk proceeds of the loan will be used to finance the construction of military camps and related infrastructure for move existing operations in Sungai Besi Camp before.

"Issuance of debt through sukuk bonds by 1MDB involves the purchase of sukuk by two government investment agency of TH and PNB. That is, a total of RM920.8 million was loaned to 1MDB TH, the balance of RM579.2 million was loaned to 1MDB PNB," he said at a press conference, here, today.

He claimed, the result of its review, 1MDB plans to issue up to RM2.5 billion sukuk to finance the development of Bandar Malaysia.

"... In addition to RM2 billion loan obtained from AmBank was also for the development of Malaysia.
Unfortunately, until now we have yet to see convincing progress that Bandar Malaysia will bring benefits that allow 1MDB pay back its debts.

"The biggest question is, what has happened to RM3.5 billion (RM1.5 billion of sukuk borrowed from TH and PNB and RM2 billion loan from AmBank), which has borrowed so far ostensibly to develop Bandar Malaysia?

"The involvement of GNP in giving loans to 1MDB now confirms my fears that Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak would use public funds to rescue 1MDB," he said.

In the meantime, he also said that so far, only the Employees Provident Fund (EPF), which confirms not engage in any transactions with 1MDB.

However, he claimed Armed Forces Fund Board (LTAT) has yet to make any confirmation.

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