
Sunday 16 August 2015

Almy Nadia tested again!

Almy Nadia

GENERAL know the controversy about household Almy Nadia and Fizz Fairuz involving local arts industry newcomer of Fara Mendoza.

Although the news was being bandied art enthusiasts but Almy seen courageous enough to deal with it.

If the maiden he had ever tested by the action Fizz Fairuz who is engaged to a woman of Pahang, this time he was tested by the greater susceptibility because they are already becoming husband and wife.

Impressed with the matter, the cast of the New World has posted a status on his Instagram claiming Fara deliberately seeking cheap publicity.

However, a few days after the event, Almy seemed calmer.

It was evident when he uploaded a picture with his son who appears to be happy now.

He said through his status, "Hello everyone .. Good afternoon everyone ... Let this smiling, happy always .. Let the pictures tell a story ... Thank you all thank God, thank God," he said.

Although seen quite openly via social networking sites, but Almy, however, was not ready to comment on the controversy that was going through it.

"I'm sorry, at the moment I can not give any comment, I'm not ready," he said via WhatsApp.

Revisiting the controversy may be, it triggered when Fara Mendoza act upload 'screen shot' conversation with Fizz Fairuz on social sites Chat We hers.

Fizz then act fast to clear his name by appearing to make a statement that he had never known Fara.

But the story does not stop there when Fara replied back saying he had evidence that indeed such a conversation took place between him and Fizz.

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