
Sunday 16 August 2015

Pass a motion to ask the PM to resign

Some 201 youth who attend Umno Tourmakeady in conjunction with Umno Youth delegates meeting Saki, yesterday.

Tampa - Umno Youth Saki unanimously adopted and approved a motion asking Datuk Seri Najib Razak resigned as Prime Minister and Umno president in conjunction with the Division of Youth delegates meeting Saki, yesterday.

Emergency motion highlighted the Branch Youth Chairman Kampung Ulu Farms, Azman Abdullah, 42, was a positive response from the majority of more than 200 members present.

The motion was decided: "By Malay, Islam and Malaysia, asked Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak resigned as Prime Minister and Umno president to faith, love and compassion, especially the Malays and Bumiputera, to be restored to ensure Umno Malays us as the owner of this beloved country continues to be a government indefinitely. "

Once the proposal was submitted, the Permanent Chairman of the meeting, Mohd Salleh Yahaya, asked the representatives on the matter and delegates unanimously expressed support for the motion.

Azman said the emergency resolution may be raised after the one at issue arose involving the integrity of the Prime Minister as the issue of RM2.6 billion donation to his own account and issue 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB).

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