
Sunday 16 August 2015

The plane lost: Report crashing accepted

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JAKARTA - INDONESIA. Residents in Papua plane crash reported but it is uncertain whether it involves Trigana Air plane reported missing today.

According to Reuters, the Operations Director of the National Search and Rescue Agency (BASARNAS), told the airline received a report Trigana Air plane crashed in the jungles and mountains of Oksibil.

He also told that the search team will begin examining the area in the morning, picked from the portal Kompas and Sec.

Earlier, a plane belonging to Air Trigana IL 267 ATR 42-300 took off from Sentani Airport, Jayapura which carried 54 passengers went undetected, this afternoon.

[RELATED ARTICLES: The plane carrying 54 passengers could not be traced]

Meanwhile, Indonesian police chief, Badrodin Haiti said the rescuers believe the aircraft will be detected in SAR operations, which will continue when the weather gets better.

"If you want to Oksibil get through the Star Mountains and when the weather is very bad there," he said.

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