
Saturday 15 November 2014

4: Russian uncovered evidence Ukrainian jet shooters MH17

Moscow: A major television stations in Russia today posted a satellite image showing a fighter jet to shoot down aircraft, Malaysia Airlines (MAS) in the east of Ukraine, on July 17 last year.

Television Channel One TV station claimed satellite images leaked is proof that Ukraine is responsible for the tragedy that killed all 283 passengers aboard the MH17. Image was released during Russian President Vladimir Putin and several European leaders to attend a summit of the Group of 20 in Australia. A Channel One TV news presenter, Mikhail Leontiev said, the image is given by a source of mystery and it shows a MIG-29 fighter aircraft believed to belong to Russia shot down MH17.

"They deliberately hide this incident and has all the details," he said.
He said, the image is captured by a foreign spy satellites captured MH17 aircraft flying in the airspace of Ukraine before being shot down. "To falsify something like this image you need to be a very professional compared to someone who has the authority to obtain information from across like this, "he added. Deputy President of the Union of Russian engineer Ivan Adrievskiy interviewed by the TV station confirmed that the satellite image is the original. "From the coordinates of this image shows the possibility it was recorded by a spy satellite belonging to the United States (US) or Britain, "he said. The Boeing 777-200ER is the flight from Amsterdam, Netherlands, lead me to Kuala Lumpur was shot down in eastern Ukraine's pro-Russian rebel. Western countries including the US previously accused the pro-Russian rebels responsible for shooting down MH17 using surface-to-air missile fired from a launcher PPC. However, Moscow has several times denied the issue of radar information that indicates there is an other aircraft were near MH17 before he was shot down.

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